Sunday, 23 September 2012

QTP- Interview Questions and Answers-2

1) What is Recording in QTP?
Ans : It is process of creating the main body of a test by recording the typical processes that users perform.
QuickTest records the operations we perform, displays them as steps in the Keyword View, and generates them in a script (in the Expert View).
2) How many Recording Modes available in QTP? What are they? 
There are 3 Recording modes available in QTP.
     1) Normal Recording
     2) Analog Recording
     3) Low Level Recording
3) What is Analog Recording mode?
It Records exact mouse and keyboard operations, we can use this mode for recording continues mouse operations like digital signatures, paints etc..
This mode doesn't generate statements for each and every operation, generates all operations in a Track file.

By default this mode is disabled, after selecting Normal Recording mode only it enables.
4) What is Low Level Recording? 
It Records some operations on Non-supported environments apart from Normal operations.
5) What are object and Software Objects?
Object: Object is something, which has structure and properties.
Software Object: an object is any entity that can be manipulated by the commands of a programming language, such as a value, variable, function, or data structure.

GUI (Windows) Environment: Window, Dialog box, Edit Box, Button, Check Box, Radio Button, List Box and Combo Box etc...
Web Environment: Browser, Page, Link, Image, edit Box, Button, Grid, Frame Etc..
6) What type of Objects available in QTP?
There are 4 types of Objects available in QTP.
     1) Run-time Objects
     2) Test Objects
     3) Utility Objects
     4) Automation / User Defined Objects
7) What are Utility Objects?
These are QTP reserved objects, used for Testing and Result reporting.
a) SystemUtil
b) Reporter

c) DataTable
d) Services
e) environment etc...
8) What is Automation Object?
An object that is exposed to other applications or programming tools through Automation interfaces.
9) Explain about Object, Property and value?
Object:  It is something which has structure and properties
Property: an attribute of an Object.
Value: Value of the Property
10) What is Object Repository?
It is a Storage place for Storing Objects, QTP has 2 types of Repositories.
  a) Local Repository
  b) Shared Repository
11) What are the differences between Local  and Shared Repositories?
Local Repository:
QTP Creates a Local Repository for every Action during Recording automatically and also QTP maintenance Local Repositories, but user can edit these repositories.
It is a QTP Internal file, extension is .mtr
Shared Repository:

User  Creates Shared Repositories by adding objects in Object Repository Manager.This can be shared among nuber of tests. 

User has to maintain shared repository files
Shared Repository files are External files, extension is .tsr  
12)  How to Start Test Automation Process, before the Application is ready?
QTP is providing a feature called "Define New Test Object" for creating new objects without Application. This feature available in Local Repository and Object Repository Manager.
13) How to Combine Repositories?
We Can combine Repositories using Object Repository Merge Tool. It is available in Object Repository Manager
14) Explain about Statement, Action and Test in QTP?
      a) Statement: an Instruction or a minimal executable unit
      b) Action: Set of Statements
      c) Test: One or more Actions
15) How Load repository files During run-time?
We can Load Object Repositories during run-time using an Utility object called "RepositoriesCollection"

RepositoriesCollection.Add  "path of the Repository file"
RepositoriesCollection.Add  "D:\AHAMAD.tsr"


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