Sunday, 23 September 2012

Manual Testing Reatime FAQ

What's difference between client/server and Web Application?
•          Client/server based is any application architecture where one server application and one or many client applications are involved like your mail server and MS outlook Express.
•           Web Application is a kind that hosted on the web server and accessed over the internet or intranet.  
What is Mutation testing?
•          Testing the application behavior when we introduce some known bugs.
•          Our expected result will be user friendly error messages rather than technical error messages.
•                      Note: this can also be used for testing the completeness of the Test Cases.
What are the browser compatibility test elements?
•          Client side scripting
•          Frames
•          Images
•          Links
•          Browser specific HTML tabs
•          Cookies
What is Memory Leak?
•          While running a application if the created variables or objects are not destroyed after their usage, those variables forms as garbage in the runtime memory and this is called Memory Leak.
•          Memory Leaks to introduce poor performance or application crash.
•          Memory leaks can be identify by using Bounds checker or rational purity.
What is DLL?
•          A dynamic link library which maintains code as methods and which performs some actions.
•          DLL cannot run on their own. DLL need to be called by another running exe or DLL.
What is kickoff meeting?
•          An initial Project start up meeting from which the formal test activities are initiated.
What are the drawbacks in manual testing compared to Automation?
•          Following are the drawbacks of manual testing,
•          Time consuming
•          Low reliability
•          Human resources
•          Inconsistent
How do you conduct KT sessions?
•          In my company different KT sessions would be conducted starting after gathering requirements, SRS preparation,
• and testing team KT sessions with respect to client environment, domain etc.
•          In most of KT will be coordinated by management team includes PM,PL,TL(Dev team),Test Lead.
Explain testing process?
•          Explain STLC phases?
•          Test initiation
•          Test planning
•          Test case design
•          Test execution
•          Defect Reporting and defect Tracking
•          Test closure.
What is Test Strategy?
•          The Test Strategy is the plan for how you are going to approach testing. It describes how you are going to approach the project to test.
What is cyclomatic complexity and function point?
•          Using cyclomatic complexity techniques we can measure the complexity of requirements
•          Using function point we can analyze the complexity of the requirement.
How do you plan the testing of an application when there was no-requirements or insufficient requirements are given?
•          We plan the exploratory testing and we should start creating some of the documents during testing which can be helpful for future testing.
•          Note: most of the exploratory test bugs may not be the real bugs.
How do you plan for testing?
•          Test execution plan should be done based on the build that is delivered from the development team for testing.
•           It consists of preparation of test sets ,setting up of test environment, identification of the resources and their respective tasks to be performed and the other related templates for reporting the status.
What is Test Setup environment?
•          Test environment is the working environment where tests will be executed.
•          The Testing Team may have their own Test Environment. Once the testing team certifies the system in Test Environment, it is migrated to the Production Environment
•          Operating System
•          Browsers
•          Web Server and App Server
•          Database (Oracle/DB2)
     What are the testing metrics?
•          There can be different levels of metrics:
  1. Test Metrics:
  2. Defect Metrics:
  3. Resource Metrics:
 Can you provide status as closed for Duplicate and Rejected bugs?
•          Duplicate and Rejected bugs may not be closed, Because closing such bugs will not allows to identify the actual bugs.
How many test cases you write in one day?
•          On an average of 25 test cases a day
How many defects you find in one day?
•           It depends on the application and the number of test cases executed in a day.
What is a release note?
•          A release note is given to client along with the build when it is ready for the deployment. Release notes consists of the deployment details and also the known limitations of the build, if there are any critical errors that are still
•          Not resolved and build is to be released, then those are also mentioned in the release notes.
What is Test Data?
•          The data we need to supply on test cases which consists of customer expected data at the time of execution of test cases.
•          We prepare test data generally in excel sheet based LLD,FRS/SRS.
What are the severity levels you give for a defect?
•          We follow four levels of severity for a defect,
•          Critical, High, Medium and low (cosmetic)
What are test scenarios?
•          A. Test Scenarios are the end-to-end test cases prepared to test a realistic business flow with a specific pre-condition, Test Data Values and expected behavior.
How do you prepare test scenarios?
•          The Test Scenarios are derived from Requirements documents/Use Case Documents based on the following factors
•          Identify the multiple flows associated with a given event or a business scenario.
•          Identify the multiple conditions associated with a given event.
•          Identify the multiple data values required.
How are you tracking defects in your project?
•          A: Using defect tracking tool (Quality Center)
To whom you report defects?
•          A defect is generally reported to the test lead and lead will intern assign it to the development team, but at times the defect is assigned directly to the developer by the test engineer.
What is difference between severity and priority of a defect?
•          Defect Severity represents how badly the functionality was failed and what serious impact it will have on the remaining system functionalities and also on the customer business.
•          Defect Priority represents the importance of the defect and its resolution by the developers.
•          The Severity and Priority levels are provided by the testers, The Severity levels should not be changed, but the priority levels can be changed by the Test Lead /Developers from one build to another based on the defects to be resolved.
What are the status for a Test Case?
•          1.NoRun
•          2.Not Completed
•          3.Passed
•          4.Failed
What is the status for defect?
•          Open:
•          Pending/deferred:
•          Fixed:
•          Rejected:
•          Reopen:
•          Closed:
Who will prepare a Test Summary Report?


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